List of Some Full Forms :-
AI ➠ Artificial intelligence
A/D ➠ Analog to digital
AAC ➠ Advanced Audio Coding
ARPANET ➠ Advanced Research Projects Agency Network.
AVI ➠ Audio Video Interleave
AMR ➠ Adaptive Multi-Rate Audio Codec
AM ➠ Amplitude Modulation
ASP ➠ Active Server Pages
ALGOL ➠ Algorithmic Language
ALU ➠ Arithmetic Logic Unit
AM ➠ Amplitude Modulation
AMD ➠ Advanced Micro Devices
ANSI ➠ American National standards Institute
ASIC ➠ Application specific Integration circuit
ASCII ➠ American Standard code for Information Interchange
ATM ➠ Asynchronous Transfer Mode
ATM ➠ Automated Teller Machine
Bcc ➠ Blind Carbon Copy
BASIC ➠ Beginners All Purpose Symbolic Instruction Code
BCD ➠ Binary coded Decimal
BEMA ➠ Business Equipment Manufacturers association
BIOS ➠ Basic Input Output system
BCR ➠ Bar code Reader
BMP ➠ Bitmap
BPI ➠ Bytes per Inch
BPS ➠ Bits Per Second
BSNL ➠ Bharat Sanchar Nigam Limited
CAD ➠ Computer Aided Design.
CAL ➠ Computer Aided Leering
Cc ➠ Carbon Copy
CDMA ➠ Code Division Multiple Access.
CPU ➠ Central Processing Unit
CSS ➠ Cascading Style Sheets
CAM ➠ Computer Aided Manufacturing
CD ➠ Compact Disk
C-DAC ➠ Centre for Development of Advanced computing
C-DOT ➠ Centre for Development of Telematics
CD-R ➠ Compact Disk-Recordable
CD-ROM ➠ Compact Disk-Read only Memory
CD-R/W ➠ Compact Disk-Read/Write
CLASS ➠ Computer Literacy and Studies in Schools
CMOS ➠ Complementary Metal oxide semiconductor
COBOL ➠ Common Business Oriented Language
CMY ➠ Cyan – Magenta – Yellow
COMAL ➠ Common Algorithmic Language
CPI ➠ Character Per Inch
CRS ➠ Computerized Reservation System
CRT ➠ Cathode Ray Tube
CTS ➠ Clear to send
CU ➠ Control Unit
DAT ➠ Digital Audio Tape.
DRAM ➠ Dynamic Random Access Memory
DAC ➠ Digital to Analog Converter
DBMS ➠ Database Management System
DVD ➠ Digital Versatile Disk.
D/A ➠ Digital to Analog
DDS ➠ Digital Data Storage
DMP ➠ Dot Matrix Printer
DNS ➠ Domain Name System
DEC ➠ Digital Equipment Corporation
DOS ➠ Disk Operating system
DOC ➠ Document (Microsoft Word)
DPI ➠ Dots per Inch
DSHD ➠ Double sided high Density
DTP ➠ Desktop publishing
DTR ➠ Data Terminal Ready
DTS ➠ Digital Theater Systems
DVD ➠ Digital Versatile Disc
E–Business ➠ Electronic business
E-Commerce ➠ Electronic Commerce
E-Mail ➠ Electronic Mail
EB ➠ Exabyte
EiB ➠ Exbibyte
EBCDIC ➠ Extended Binary-Coded Decimal Interchange Code
EDP ➠ Electronic Data Processing
EEPROM ➠ Electrically Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
EFT ➠ Electronic funds Transfer
ENIAC ➠ Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer.
EPROM ➠ Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
ERNET ➠ Education and Research Network
EXE ➠ Execution
EDGE ➠ Enhanced Data Rates for GSM Evolution
FAT ➠ File Allocation Table
FD ➠ Floppy disk
FDM ➠ Frequency division multiplexing
FET ➠ Field Effect Transistor
FIFO ➠ First In First out
FILO ➠ First In Last Out
FM ➠ Frequency Modulation
FORTRAN ➠ Formula Translation
FSK ➠ Frequency Shift Keying
FTP ➠ File Transfer Protocol
GP ➠ Graphics Port
GB ➠ Gigabyte
GiB ➠ Gibibyte
GIGO ➠ Garbage In Garbage Out
GIS ➠ Geographical Information System
GIF ➠ Graphics Interchange Format
GPL ➠ General Public License
GPS ➠ Global Positioning System
GUI ➠ Graphical User Interface
GPRS ➠ General Packet Radio Service.
GSM ➠ Global System for Mobile Communications.
HLL ➠ High Level Language
HP ➠ Hewlett Packard
HTML ➠ Hyper Text Markup Language
HTTP ➠ Hyper Text Transfer Protocol
HTTPS ➠ Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure.
HSDPA ➠ High Speed Downlink Packet Access.
IBM ➠ International business Machines
IC ➠ Integrated Circuit
I/O ➠ Input – Output
IP ➠ Internet Protocol
IPV4 ➠ Internet Protocol Version 4
IPV6 ➠ Internet Protocol Version 6
IRC ➠ Internet Relay Chat
ISDN ➠ Integrated Services Digital Network
ISH ➠ Information Superhighway
ISO ➠ International Organization For Standardization
ISP ➠ Internet Service Provider
IT ➠ Information Technology
JPG ➠ Joint Photographic Experts Group
JPEG ➠ Joint Photographic Expert Group
JAD ➠ Java Application Descriptor (.jad is file format)
JAR ➠ Java Archive
JRE ➠ Java Runtime Environment
JSP ➠ Java Server Pages
KB ➠ Kilo bytes
KBps ➠ Kilobytes Per Second
Kbps ➠ Kilobits Per Second
LAN ➠ Local Area Network
LASER ➠ Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission Of Radiation
LCD ➠ Liquid Crystal Display
LD ➠ Laser Diode
LED ➠ Light Emitting Diode
LISP ➠ List Processing
LLL ➠ Low Level language
LSD ➠ Least Significant Digit
LSI ➠ Large Scale Integration
MAN ➠ Metropolitan Area Network
MB ➠ Mega Bytes
MHz ➠ Mega Hertz
MICR ➠ Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
MIDI ➠ Musical Instrument Digital Interface
MIPS ➠ Million Instructions Per Second
MODEM ➠ Modulator – Demodulator
MOPS ➠ Million Operations Per Second
MOS ➠ Metal Oxide Semiconductor
MMC ➠ Multimedia Card
MMS ➠ Multimedia Messaging Service
MPEG ➠ Moving Picture Expert Group
MTBF ➠ Mean Time Between Failure
MP4 ➠ Mpeg-4 Video File
M3G ➠ Mobile 3D Graphics
M4A ➠ MPEG-4 Audio
MS ➠ Microsoft
MSD ➠ Most Significant Digit
MSI ➠ Medium Scale Integration
.mmf ➠ Synthetic Music Mobile Application File
MTNL ➠ Mahanagar Telephone Nigam Limited
NAT ➠ Network Address Translation
NIC ➠ Network Interface Card
NICNET ➠ National Informatics Centre Network
NIU ➠ Network Interface Unit
NTSC ➠ National Television Standards Committee
OCR ➠ Optical Character Recognition
OMR ➠ Optical Mark Reader
OOP ➠ Object Oriented Programming
OS ➠ Operating System
OSI ➠ Open System Interconnection
OSS ➠ Open Source Software
PAL ➠ Phase Alternating Line
PB ➠ Peta Byte
PiB ➠ Pebibyte
PC ➠ Personal Computer
PCB ➠ Printed Circuit Board
PCI ➠ Peripheral Component Interconnect
PDA ➠ Personal Digital Assistant
PDF ➠ Portable Document Format
PM ➠ Phase Modulation
PNG ➠ Portable Network Graphics
POST ➠ Power On Self Test
PPM ➠ Pages Per Minute
Prolog ➠ Programming in logic
PROM ➠ Programmable Read only Memory
PSTN ➠ Public Switched Telephone Network
QAS ➠ Quality Assurance Service
RAM ➠ Random Access Memory
RGB ➠ Red, Green, Blue
ROM ➠ Read only Memory
RPG ➠ Report Program Generator
RTF ➠ Rich Text Format
RTS ➠ Real Time Streaming
SQL ➠ Structured Query Language
SEO ➠ Search Engine Optimization
SMS ➠ Short Message Service
SCSI ➠ Small Computer System Interface
SIMM ➠ Single in line memory module
SIM ➠ Subscriber Identity Module.
SMPS ➠ Switched Mode Power Supply
SMTP➠ Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
SRAM ➠ Static Random Access Memory
SSI ➠ Small Scale Integration
SVGA ➠ Super Video graphics Array
SWF ➠ Shockwave Flash
TB ➠ Tera byte
TiB ➠ Tebibyte
TCP ➠ Transmission Control Protocol
TDM ➠ Time Division Multiplexing
ULSI ➠ Ultra Large Scale Integration
UNIVAC ➠ Universal Automatic Computer
URL ➠ Uniform Resource Locater
USB ➠ Universal Serial Bus
UVEPROM ➠ Ultra Violet Erasable Programmable Read Only Memory
UPS ➠ Uninterruptible Power Supply.
UHF ➠ Ultra High Frequency.
UMTS ➠ Universal Mobile Telecommunications System.
VAN ➠ Value Added Network.
VCR ➠ Video Cassette Recorder.
VDU ➠ Video Display Unit
VGA ➠ Video Graphics Array
VHF ➠ Very High Frequency.
VIRUS ➠ Vital Information Resources Under Siege
VLSI ➠ Very Large Scale Integration
VSNL ➠ Videsh Sanchar Nigam Limited
WAN ➠ Wide Area Network
WAP ➠ Wireless Application Protocol
WLAN ➠ Wireless Local Area Network
WLL ➠ Wireless Local Loop
WMP ➠ Windows media player
WORM ➠ Write-Once, Read-Many
WWW ➠ World Wide Web
XMF ➠ Extensible Music Format
XML ➠ Extensible Markup Language
WBMP ➠ Wireless Bitmap
WMV ➠ Windows Media Video
WMA ➠ Windows Media Audio
WAV ➠ Waveform Audio
WML ➠ Wireless Markup Language
XMS ➠ Extended Memory Specification
YB ➠ Yotta Byte
YiB ➠ Yobi Byte
ZB ➠ Zetta Byte
ZiB ➠ Zebi Byte
2G ➠ Second Generation Cellular network
3G ➠ Third Generation Cellular network
4G ➠ Fourth Generation Of Wireless Mobile Telecommunications Technology
3GPP ➠ 3rd Generation Partnership Project
3GP ➠ 3rd Generation Project
Domain Name Extensions :-